Always. Be. Creating.
I'm a husband, agency owner, WordPress entrepreneur, artist, photographer and coach who values community, transparency and sharing as much as possible. If you're interested in what I do or teach, I'd be honored if you'd subscribe to my channels, invest in some artwork or even become a client.

what i'm currently working on
Web design & development, local lead generation for small businesses, SEO, PPC, drawing, painting, photography, Bitcoin nodes and more.

Stambaugh Designs
Full service marketing agency that specializes in web design for small businesses.
I work with local businesses across the country doing strategy, web design, lead generation, SEO, & copywriting through my agency, Stambaugh Designs. Websites start at only $180/mo.
Visit Stambaugh Designs
Rank n Bank
My course teaching people how to make a passive income online through digital assets.
Think of it like digital real estate. You rank a website in Google via SEO and generate leads for local businesses. Rinse and repeat. I coach students all over the world how to make a passive income with this online local lead generation model.
Check out the course
Art & Photography
In an age of AI art, hand crafted artwork comes at a premium.
I was formally trained as a graphic designer and always had a nack for drawing and illustration. I have also studied the art form of hand-lettered typography and oil painting, as well as a self-taught landscape photographer.
See My Work
One Outdoors
Adventure eCommerce brand and website
One Outdoors Promoting Positive Mental Health Through Unparalleled Outdoor Experiences. An outdoor adventure, hunting and fishing eCommerce and guiding brand.
Visit One Outdoors